Hiking to Mt. Pinatubo

hiking mt. pinatubo crater lake travelup

Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 is one of the most devastating natural calamities in Philippine History. After 600 years of dormancy, Mt. Pinatubo’s erupted. Said to be the second largest eruption of the 20th century, the effects of the eruption were felt worldwide. Continue reading “Hiking to Mt. Pinatubo”

An Off-Road Spa Adventure: Puning Hot Springs

Our 4 x 4 vehicle thudded along the scorched gravel road, forcefully freewheeling its way over the uneven terrain. The landscape was a sea of sunburned land and hills of towering ash set against a backdrop of a perfect blue sky. Continue reading “An Off-Road Spa Adventure: Puning Hot Springs”