How to throw a Mario-themed party

Ok, so this isn’t exactly a travel-related post, more like a how-to party guide. However, I did travel to Singapore to celebrate my nephew’s first birthday there so technically it counts. 🙂

My sister Lorie wanted to throw an “old school” party for my nephew Eli’s first birthday last year. Since she was based in Singapore at the time and didn’t have much time to buy props, we decided to go D-I-Y. We settled on Mario as the main theme for the details. Continue reading “How to throw a Mario-themed party”

Mission log #1: Start a blog

After a very worthwhile trip on the road for six days in two provinces in the North, I’ve decided to start a blog.

I’m currently a news correspondent for an international wire agency and contributor of travel and lifestyle features and photos to several magazines. However, not all of my work fits into this mold of writing (or are fit to publish in print). 🙂

So hence, this blog, Travel Up – an exploration of landscapes, people and good eats. The name of my blog is inspired by the video game concept of leveling up, exploring new places, meeting new people and gaining higher levels by completing tasks. When I’m not traveling, I spend a lot of time glued to my PlayStation playing role-playing games or RPGs (my favorites are Legend of Legaia, Final Fantasy VIII, StarOcean 2 and Okami).

After being enlightened by more more experienced bloggers, I hope this can be an outlet for more creative writing in the future. 🙂

Kara Santos/Travel Up