Saigon City Tour by Scooter

Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as it was known before the Vietnam War, really enjoys a rich motorcycle culture. No one has visited the place without being amazed at the sheer number of motorcycles there. If you’re riding a taxi or bus, there’s an army of scooters surrounding your vehicle. If you’re exploring on foot, they’re right there zipping past you as you attempt to cross the street. Every establishment you visit, you will probably find a row of motorcycles parked right outside.

To truly appreciate the motorcycle culture, it’s best to go around the city on one. Most tourists get a taste of this by riding a xe om or motorcycle taxi. But it’s really WAY better if you rent one for the day and navigate the streets yourself. Continue reading “Saigon City Tour by Scooter”

A Motorcycle Tour Bucket List

Last year, during a trip to Vietnam, I got to explore Saigon by scooter, the most popular mode of transport. In my opinion, it’s the best way to experience the culture of the bustling city.

This made me think about other countries that would be great for motorcycle tours. Here’s a short bucket list of places I’d love to go to mostly inspired by memorable motorcycle scenes in films and TV shows. Continue reading “A Motorcycle Tour Bucket List”

Bali’s Temple of the Holy Water

Pura Tirta Empul or Bali’s Temple of the Holy Water is regarded as one of six most important temples in Bali, Indonesia. Located in Tampak Siring, a town in Central Bali, this temple is known for its sacred spring that is believed to have curative properties.

Continue reading “Bali’s Temple of the Holy Water”

Harry Potter: The Exhibition

It was with a heavy heart that I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and last novel in the Harry Potter series by J. K Rowling back in 2007. You know the feeling of not wanting a certain experience to end, but at the same time wanting to know that the characters you’ve invested so much in, get their happy ending.

This feeling was also echoed during the airing of the eighth film in the movie franchise last year. After ten years of having a new Harry Potter movie to look forward to almost every year, watching the final film was bittersweet. Continue reading “Harry Potter: The Exhibition”

What a Journey it has Been…

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” — Don Williams, Jr. (American Novelist and Poet, b.1968)

In a couple of weeks, the year 2011 will come to an end and another one will begin. This December, the 14th edition of the Blog Carnival takes a look back at the memorable journeys taken by 34 Pinoy Travel Bloggers. From journeys on land, sea, and air on the way to a specific destination, to trying out various modes of transport, overcoming fears, and learning life lessons while on the road, this compilation pays tribute to the spirit of adventure that courses through the veins of true-blue travelers.

Join us as we focus on the often overlooked journey it takes to get to wherever we’re going. Continue reading “What a Journey it has Been…”

A Swarm of Scooters in Saigon

The buzz of motorcycles on the city streets is one of the first things you notice about Saigon. Here, the nimble motorcycles expertly weave their way between hulking buses and hapless cars stuck in traffic.

From retro vespas in candy shades to rusty skeletons strapped down with market goods, you could say that the motorcycle cuts across all social classes in the country.

Continue reading “A Swarm of Scooters in Saigon”

The Beer is on in Saigon

Though Vietnam is not really known for having the best beer in Asia, for some people, a vacation would not be a vacation without sampling the local brew. Think of it as part of enjoying the local culture.

Here’s a rough guide to some Vietnamese beers we tried, with ratings provided by Travel Up’s resident beer connoisseur Art Fuentes (who happens to be my husband and the reason our travel fund has to have an allocated “beer budget”). Continue reading “The Beer is on in Saigon”

How to throw a Mario-themed party

Ok, so this isn’t exactly a travel-related post, more like a how-to party guide. However, I did travel to Singapore to celebrate my nephew’s first birthday there so technically it counts. 🙂

My sister Lorie wanted to throw an “old school” party for my nephew Eli’s first birthday last year. Since she was based in Singapore at the time and didn’t have much time to buy props, we decided to go D-I-Y. We settled on Mario as the main theme for the details. Continue reading “How to throw a Mario-themed party”

Rose-Red City of Petra

Travelife Magazine’s Feb-March issue features “Old Rose-Red,” my trip to the stunning city of Petra in Jordan. The elaborate stone carved entrance to the Treasury is probably best known for being the “entrance” to the final resting place of the Holy Grail in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989).

Continue reading “Rose-Red City of Petra”